The Wai 262 claim is known as the aroha claim, the wairua claim, or the mother of all claims, heoi, it is the claim of Māori control over things Māori.
The claim essentially seeks to restore “tino rangatiratanga” of taonga through the whānau, hapū and iwi of Aotearoa. Laid against the Waitangi Tribunal on 9 October 1991 by six visionary claimants: Del Wihongi (Te Rarawa); Haana (Saana) Murray (Ngāti Kuri); John Hippolite (Ngāti Koata); Tama Poata (Te Whānau-a-Ruataupare, Ngāti Porou); Kataraina Rimene (Ngāti Kahungunu); and Witi McMath (Ngāti Wai), with the assistance of lawyer Moana Jackson (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou).